Pinot, Hopper, Whisky, Tequila

Meet Hopper (brown and black doggie), Pinot (little black doggie), Whisky (ginger cat) and Tequila. This is my first sit with the kids.

Hopper is slow to take to new people. He took to me very quickly. His parents said it normally takes him longer but with me, it was almost instant. That makes me so happy. It is clear with Hopper and many other anxious dogs that have taken to me quickly that they can feel my love for them which puts them at ease.

Pinot is so cute. He loves Hopper and it is so sweet to see them loving each other. Whisky is a friendly cat who loves to meow at you when you are in the kitchen. Tequila is gorgeous. She also took to me quickly. She came to me for scratches and love. Her mom said she is usually quite shy but she has not been that way with me.

I love being in the company of the kids and I look forward to many more sits with them.




The beginning of December 2024